
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Rude awakening (fiction)

2:37 am and my phone is blaring. I hate being on call at night. I love my job, don't get me wrong, but I hate the middle of the night calls.

"Yes?" I answer, not trying to hide that I was sleeping.

"Get up cowgirl! We got us a rodeo!" Sam says

Sam's my boss and currently my partner from work. I've only been out of college about 4 months and I lucky enough to land a job even before I graduated. I've been in training since then and tonight is my first night as a 'real' Crime Scene Investigator.

"Ugh Sam.. why are you so chipper at 2:30 in the morning? Don't you ever sleep" I moan.

"Ehh.. sleeping is for the old! Now get up and get ready!" he says. Which is humorous since he's probably in his late 50's already.

I sit up, trying to focus on what he's saying.

"We got us a buckin' bronco on the loose! Grab your gear! I'll meet you there in 15" He says. He somehow always seems to incorporate the rodeo in just about everything he says.

"Uhhh.. Sam? What's the address?" I ask before he has a chance to hang up.

"OH! Right.. uhhh.... it's... 1478 Delaware Place... City is.. uhhh.. Warren" he stumbles. He sounds distracted now. He's either driving or reading something.

"You O.K. Sam?" I ask while writting down the address on a crumpled up tissue with my eyeliner.

"Yes.. yes.. I'm fine. It's just.. well.. from what I hear.. this is a pretty gruesome scene. Just meet me there in about 15 minutes and we'll see what the bull's did" He says before he hung up.

Though my bed is calling for me I resist the urge to lie back down and start getting dressed. After pulling on my employer issued uniform, I attempt to apply some make-up and realize what a mistake that is. I look like a raccoon with a hang over. I do my best to remove most of it and pull my hair up into a pony tail.

I grab the address off the night stand and quickly make my way to the door. Standing there puzzled, I realize it isn't locked. I swear I locked it last night when I got home, but I guess I didn't. I shrug it off and head out. The more I think about the scene, the more excited I get.

As soon as I push open the building's entry doors I see it's pouring out. "Great!" I exclaim to myself "I'm gonna get soaked tonight!"

I make a mad dash to the van because I'm not running back up 3 flights to stairs for a jacket. I jump inside, throw my stuff in the passenger seat and start it up. I enter the address in my GPS and I'm on my way.

Within 10 minutes I am parking the van at the curb. If there was any doubt in my mind that I wasn't in the right place, it was quickly abolished. The red and blue and white flashing lights confirmed this was it.

I grab some of my gear, jump out and half run-half walk to the house. As I approach, I see that the Medical Examiner and his team are already removing the bodies. I stand back out of the way to let them through. Normally I wouldn't pay much attention to their job or how long they take, except it's pouring and I cant help but notice that at least 5 stretchers with big long black body bags have passed. I wonder if there's was more that I didn't see coming out.

Finally, the last one goes and I can get out of the rain. I slip on the cloth-like booties over my shoes and latex gloves on my hands and begin to enter.

Nothing in my training has ever prepared me for the sight I was seeing or smelling.....