
Thursday, July 7, 2011


I speak my mind here. And above that I speak truth. I have no need to lie about anything. If you choose to ignore the truth that's your problem. But I will always speak my mind and heart here. That's what we made this blog for. NOTHING I have written is in any way shape or form a lie or fabrication. What YOU choose to believe again is your problem, not mine. If you wanted to question me, do so and I will prove all I say.


http://sweetcanadian.blogspot.com/ said...

Who said anything of the sort? I haven't seen that but someone must have for you to make this post. I speak my mind too & i am very blunt, i don't mince words in my posts for niceness so i wouldn't worry about it.

~k~ said...

No it wasn't from the posts or directed at anyone who posted. Just letting people know that I'm not lying about anything I put here. And I appreciate your openness. Don't feel that you will offend me by speaking your mind on anything I put up ;)

~J said...

Sweeetcanadian.. K is a LOT like you and I. We speak bluntly to others and don't take offense when it's spoken to us. :)

http://sweetcanadian.blogspot.com/ said...

I am learning Jenn lol, i don't know her much yet but i will stop apologizing for being blunt as i go along lol.